zg-ipchat Peer-to-peer chat tool
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zg-ipchat Peer-to-peer chat tool

  • zg-ipchat is a chat tool. It implement simple text information transmission without encryption.
  • Point-to-point direct communication without intermediate servers, supporting Pv6/IPv4 networks.
  • Based on the published IP Messenger protocol. Use "friend list" to distinguish friends from strangers.
  • Chat messages are automatically saved.
  • The software interface supports Chinese and English.
  • Developed based on Apache Mina network components. Currently supports Windows, Linux two operating systems. In the future, Android and iOS support will be added depending on the situation.
  • File transfer is not currently supported.
  • Nature of software copyright: Free to use, not open source.
Debian 11.3, English
zg-ipchat screenshot

Debian 11.3, Chinese
zg-ipchat screenshot

Windows 10, Chinese
zg-ipchat screenshot

Windows 10, English
zg-ipchat screenshot

  • Software operating environment:
  • Java JRE 1.8 or later;
  • Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008R2, Windows Server 2012;
  • Linux Ubuntu 10.04, Ubuntu 20.04;
  • Debian 11;
file download :
1. Unzip after downloading via this website: zg-ipchat
2. Download and install through Microsoft's winget command line
winget install --id=Zheguisoft.zg-ipchat --exact --scope=machine --location C:\apps\zg-ipchat
winget upgrade --id Zheguisoft.zg-ipchat --exact --scope=machine --location C:\apps\zg-ipchat


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